Announcing the Winners of the 2024 HackSecret Hackathon

HackSecret 2024 had 30+ entries, from which we chose 11 winning projects!

Secret Network
March 27, 2024

Our first online hackathon of 2024 recently ended, and it’s now time to announce the winning projects! We received over 30 submissions for this hackathon, and ended up choosing 11 of those to receive part of the prize pool. These were quality submissions that demonstrated proficient use of the Secret Network tech stack.

HackSecret featured two distinct tracks: Cross-Chain Privacy and Native Secret dApps. For Cross-Chain Privacy, participants needed to develop dApps that implemented cross-chain communication between a contract on Secret and a contract on another blockchain, in order to utilize Secret’s confidential computation. For the Native Secret dApp track, participants needed to build their dApp solely on Secret Network. No specific requirements were set for this track, but users naturally took advantage of Secret’s data confidentiality capabilities.

Here’s a look at the winning projects!

Cross-Chain Privacy Track

Secret ICA

Secret ICA is a port of cw-ica-controller, a smart contract implementation of the ICS-27 Interchain Accounts module. It allows contracts on Secret Network to control accounts on other IBC-enabled blockchains, enabling unique confidential computation use-cases such as private-membership DAOs controlling assets on other chains. Check out the demo video for more information.

SP Lottery

SP Lottery is a lottery dApp running on Ethereum testnet, planned to be part of the Satoshi’s Palace decentralized casino. It utilizes Secret VRF for secure random number generation, and does so cross-chain using SecretPath. Check out a live demo of the dApp here.

Shadow Tokens

Shadow Tokens goal is to revolutionize NFT interactions with a user-centric focus on privacy, security, and cross-chain functionality. Users can effortlessly manage their Ethereum or Polygon-based NFTs on a dedicated profile page, with an Axelar integration enabling secure NFT deposits into an Ethereum vault, initiating cross-chain transactions to Secret Network. The project distinguishes itself with privacy-centric NFT fraction transfers, leveraging Secret Network to ensure confidential ownership transfers while maintaining blockchain transparency. The platform’s interface displays fractional ownership discreetly, protecting user privacy by not revealing the EVM wallet addresses. Check out a live demo of the dApp here.


SovereignCast aims to transform elections in Africa and beyond by introducing a secure, confidential, and accessible voting system. The project addresses the common issues of flawed voting systems which diminish trust, provoke conflict, and stifle progress. SovereignCast utilizes Secret’s confidential computation to encrypt and distribute votes across multiple blockchains, improving decentralization and enabling anonymous participation. By “turning smartphones into secure voting booths”, the platform aims to empower citizens to exercise their democratic rights conveniently and securely, no matter where they’re located.

Native Secret dApps Track


SP.JS is an object oriented SecretNetworkClient wrapper, for building integrations with generic contracts. It includes integrations with common contracts like Snip20, Snip721, Shade-Router, Shade-Amm-Pair, Shade-Factory, Shade-Admin. SP.JS is intended to take much of the new developer friction out of building on Secret Network. Check out the code repo here.


OnChainID is a sybil resistant on-chain ID framework, an implementation of the Veriff API on Secret Network. Example use-cases include AML compliance for DEXs, KYC, and age verification. Check out a live demo of the dApp here.


UniSecret is a proof-of-concept framework with the purpose of enabling video games built with the Unity game engine to communicate with Secret Network, bringing Web3 gaming to the next level. Most current Web3 games are built using simplistic game engines and graphics, but this would allow for much more complex and modern looking video games to utilize Secret. The project includes tools for wallet management, on-chain data queries, and submitting transactions. Check out the demo video for more information.


Signal is a news platform, designed to empower journalists and users alike in the fight for truthful news. It features anonymous posting, AI-powered fact checking, community-based voting and reviewing, and a rewards system. Check out a live demo of the dApp here.


Albash is a privacy-preserving decentralized payroll application, with the following features:

  • Payee provides a payment invoice to a client
  • Payer can accept or reject an invoice from a contractor
  • Payee can deposit on-chain assets for payment of invoices after a stipulated period
  • Payee can cancel payment of an invoice before a critical period
  • Payee can not cancel payment of an invoice after a critical period
  • Payee must deposit enough assets to cover the payment of an invoice at least once
  • Payee can pay recurrently on an invoice from an employee
  • Payee can cancel recurrent payment
  • Payee can accept in any token
  • All transactions related to payment can be verified

You can view the code repo here.

Secret Wallet

Secret Wallet is a wallet backend featuring built-in SNIP-20 token creation and social media login options, with the goal of providing a more user-friendly experience for wallet and token creation on Secret. The application doesn’t currently have a working user interface, but you can view the demo video here.


WhistleBlower is a platform for reporting misconduct in a secure and private manner. It uses Secret smart contracts to encrypt and store data about reports, ensuring anonymity and safety for whistleblowers. Check out a live demo of the dApp here.

What’s Next?

These projects are great examples of early-stage Secret Network dApps, and building blocks that other developers can now make use of. We will encourage these teams to continue developing their projects, providing resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to propel their ideas forward, with the goal of eventually launching a full product on Secret Network mainnet. We’re also encouraging these teams to become an active part of our developer community.

This was the first of several online hackathons that we’ll be hosting this year, so keep an eye out for the next one! If you’re interested in building on Secret Network, there are many other opportunities and resources that can you can take advantage of. Check out our grants program for early stage funding, our developer documentation, and join our Discord and Telegram to get involved with our developer community. You can also contact our team directly if you have any questions about building on Secret.

Build the next generation of Web3 applications with Secret’s confidential computation!

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